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Reserve Red Blend and Offering Co-ferment Magnums are club exclusive wines with no add-ons at this time. Email Morgan to be put on a waiting list for any remaining bottles of these wines.
Your club member cost for your allocation is $441.60 (before tax & shipping). We will begin processing credit cards on October 7th. 


Click here to check all of your billing and shipping information.




available add-ons

don't miss our optional add-ons. 

 You can view your allocation and select add-ons by logging in and editing your club list. All available wines will be listed there. Make your selections, click submit and your entire order will be processed together on October 7th.


Have questions or prefer to email your additions? Click here to email Morgan.





important dates

OCTOBER 6TH: Last day to add-on
OCTOBER 8TH: Credit cards processed for pickup orders; Pickups begin at Paso Robles and Pismo Beach tasting rooms
OCTOBER 8TH: Credit cards processed for shipping orders
OCTOBER 17TH: Club pickup party
OCTOBER 25TH: Allocation shipping begins(dependent on weather, stay tuned for updates)
NOVEMBER 10TH: Virtual club party


Fellow Travelers,

As I sit down to write this letter, fall is upon us and harvest is well under way. Things are looking incredible in the vineyards. Clusters are tiny, with small berries across the board. That means more flavor! Barring any crazy heat spikes, I believe 2021 will give us some exemplary wines.

This time of year brings a certain routine which I find myself embracing more than usual this vintage. It feels good to have some normalcy or at least know what to expect. I have come to appreciate small things often overlooked and in the past couple of weeks these harvest routines have brought me comfort. For starters, the grapes ripen, I pick them, haul them to the cellar and they turn into wine. On a more molecular level it’s the scents of a brisk morning, the fresh grapes, and fermentation. It’s how dirty everything gets during the day and how sparkling clean it is by day’s end. It’s new energy in the cellar - from the interns all bushy tailed and bright eyed, for at least a week or two, to the vision of wines to come. It’s my dirty, dusty truck, the sticky forklift steering wheel, the grapes in my pants pocket. It’s earning a good night’s rest and rising early to experience it all again. These things are all like comfort food to me and even after 18 years of it, I can’t get enough.

Another fall ritual I’m eager to resume is our club release party. To those of you who can join us for “Bubbles and Brunch” in October, I can’t wait to see you. If you’re unable to make it this time around, rest assured, we’ll raise a glass in your honor. I’m thrilled to share this fun lineup with you all. You will see some familiar labels that I hope bring you comfort and also some new characters that I’ve been keeping under wraps for a few years now. I feel they are finally ready for their debut. I sincerely hope you enjoy them.

To dusty cars and sticky steering wheels,