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The Reserve Grenache is a club exclusive wine with no add-ons at this time. Email with your requested quantity to be put on a waiting list for any remaining bottles of this wine.

Other Reserve Wines are low production, but may be added to your allocation. 

Your club member cost for this 6 bottle allocation is $198.40 (before tax & shipping). Credit cards will be processed on or after Mar. 25th.


Click here to check all of your billing and shipping information.




available add-ons

 View your allocation and select add-ons by logging in and editing your club list. Make your selections, click submit and your entire order will be processed together on or after March 25th.


Have questions or prefer to email your additions? Click here to email us.





important dates

MARCH 25: Credit Cards are processed for shipping orders

APRIL 1: Credit Cards are processed for pick up orders

APRIL 2: Allocations are available for pick up

APRIL 4: Spring Allocations are shipped

APRIL 10: Spring Pick Up Party

APRIL 14: Virtual Club Party


Fellow Travelers,

Daylight saving time began last Sunday and although getting up for work on Monday was a little rough at our house, I savor the later hours of light and the change in weather. It allows for more of my favorite activities like hikes and bike rides with the girls, spending afternoons on the beach and being able to cook and eat outdoors. What I’m especially thankful for this spring is the general feeling of things getting back to normal, at least socially.

I had the pleasure of attending a large wine tasting in Santa Barbara a couple weeks ago. I’ve likely been to hundreds of these types of events over the years, and honestly, I’ve taken them for granted for a long time. It was incredible to see so many friends and colleagues in the same room - smiling, laughing and catching up. This is what I love about wine and what I have sincerely missed. It brings people together. Whether a specific bottle is the sole focus of a meetup, an accompaniment to a meal or something shared while chatting with friends, it just seems like it belongs at the occasion.

All of that being said, I have six new wines to share with you and I’m beyond excited for their release. To celebrate, we are revisiting one of our cherished traditions, the spring club pickup party. I truly hope Kara and I see you there to share some stories and some wine. If you are not able to attend, know that you will be missed and I hope these new wines are a part of some special moments for each of you this spring.

To bringing people together,